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VS Code Integration

Many users may want to use the vscode-neovim extension in VS Code. You can easily configure AstroNvim to play nicely with this instance and disable plugins that do not interact well with VS Code when in an active VS Code instance.

Plugin Specification

-- don't do anything in non-vscode instances
if not vim.g.vscode then
return {}
-- a list of known working plugins with vscode-neovim, update with your own plugins
local plugins = {
local Config = require("lazy.core.config")
-- disable plugin update checking
Config.options.checker.enabled = false
Config.options.change_detection.enabled = false
-- replace the default `cond`
Config.options.defaults.cond = function(plugin)
return vim.tbl_contains(plugins,
---@type LazySpec
return {
-- add a few keybindings
---@type AstroCoreOpts
opts = {
mappings = {
n = {
["<Leader>ff"] = "<CMD>Find<CR>",
["<Leader>fw"] = "<CMD>call VSCodeNotify('workbench.action.findInFiles')<CR>",
["<Leader>ls"] = "<CMD>call VSCodeNotify('workbench.action.gotoSymbol')<CR>",
-- disable colorscheme setting
{ "AstroNvim/astroui", opts = { colorscheme = false } },
-- disable treesitter highlighting
opts = { highlight = { enable = false } },