Configure Neovide
Neovide is configured mainly through global variables and vim options. These can be configured easily with the AstroCore plugin in the options
table. Here is an example:
if not vim.g.neovide then return {} -- do nothing if not in a Neovide sessionend
return { "AstroNvim/astrocore", ---@type AstroCoreOpts opts = { options = { opt = { -- configure vim.opt options -- configure font guifont = "Source Code Pro:h14", -- line spacing linespace = 0, }, g = { -- configure vim.g variables -- configure scaling neovide_scale_factor = 1.0, -- configure padding neovide_padding_top = 0, neovide_padding_bottom = 0, neovide_padding_right = 0, neovide_padding_left = 0, }, }, },}
Recommended Configuration
- Adjust the scale factor incrementally to find the perfect size for your needs.
- Reset the scale factor to its initial value for a consistent starting point.
Global Variables (vim.g
This recipe uses several global variables to configure its behavior.
(default: 1) - The current scale factor of Neovide.neovide_increment_scale_factor
(default: 0.1) - Determines the increment/decrement value for adjusting the scale factor.neovide_min_scale_factor
(default: 0.7) - The minimum scale allowed.neovide_max_scale_factor
(default: 2.0) - The maximum scale allowed.neovide_initial_scale_factor
(default: fromneovide_scale_factor
) - Used to have the scale factor reset to the initial value.
:NeovideSetScaleFactor {scale_factor:number} [force]
Sets the Neovide scale factor. If force
is provided as the second argument, the scale factor is set without applying the minimum and maximum constraints.
Resets the scale factor to vim.g.neovide_initial_scale_factor
Mappings | Action |
Ctrl + = | Increase the Neovide scale factor by neovide_increment_scale_factor |
Ctrl + - | Decrease the Neovide scale factor by neovide_increment_scale_factor |
Ctrl + 0 | Reset the Neovide scale factor to neovide_initial_scale_factor |
if not vim.g.neovide then return {}end
---@param scale_factor number---@return numberlocal function clamp_scale_factor(scale_factor) return math.max( math.min(scale_factor, vim.g.neovide_max_scale_factor), vim.g.neovide_min_scale_factor )end
---@param scale_factor number---@param clamp? booleanlocal function set_scale_factor(scale_factor, clamp) vim.g.neovide_scale_factor = clamp and clamp_scale_factor(scale_factor) or scale_factorend
local function reset_scale_factor() vim.g.neovide_scale_factor = vim.g.neovide_initial_scale_factorend
---@param increment number---@param clamp? booleanlocal function change_scale_factor(increment, clamp) set_scale_factor(vim.g.neovide_scale_factor + increment, clamp)end
---@type LazySpecreturn { "AstroNvim/astrocore", ---@type AstroCoreOpts opts = { options = { g = { neovide_increment_scale_factor = vim.g.neovide_increment_scale_factor or 0.1, neovide_min_scale_factor = vim.g.neovide_min_scale_factor or 0.7, neovide_max_scale_factor = vim.g.neovide_max_scale_factor or 2.0, neovide_initial_scale_factor = vim.g.neovide_scale_factor or 1, neovide_scale_factor = vim.g.neovide_scale_factor or 1, }, }, commands = { NeovideSetScaleFactor = { function(event) local scale_factor, option = tonumber(event.fargs[1]), event.fargs[2]
if not scale_factor then vim.notify( "Error: scale factor argument is nil or not a valid number.", vim.log.levels.ERROR, { title = "Recipe: neovide" } ) return end
set_scale_factor(scale_factor, option ~= "force") end, nargs = "+", desc = "Set Neovide scale factor", }, NeovideResetScaleFactor = { reset_scale_factor, desc = "Reset Neovide scale factor", }, }, mappings = { n = { ["<C-=>"] = { function() change_scale_factor( vim.g.neovide_increment_scale_factor * vim.v.count1, true ) end, desc = "Increase Neovide scale factor", }, ["<C-->"] = { function() change_scale_factor( -vim.g.neovide_increment_scale_factor * vim.v.count1, true ) end, desc = "Decrease Neovide scale factor", }, ["<C-0>"] = { reset_scale_factor, desc = "Reset Neovide scale factor" }, }, }, },}