Disable Tabline
By default AstroNvim uses Heirline for generating the tabline for displaying buffers as tabs. Some users may not like this behavior and prefer to not have the bar at the top. You can do this a couple ways. The easiest would be to set vim.opt.showtabline
to 0
which will hide the bar but still let it be toggled in the UI as well as let the interactive buffer picker with <Leader>b
to function when necessary. To do this you simply want to add the following to your plugins:
return { { "AstroNvim/astrocore", ---@param opts AstroCoreOpts opts = { options = { opt = { showtabline = 0, }, }, }, },}
Fully disable tabline
If you want to fully remove the tabline
definition from Heirline as well as the <Leader>b
functionality as well and not allow you to ever toggle the tabline on, you will also want to include the following in your plugins:
return { { "AstroNvim/astrocore", ---@param opts AstroCoreOpts opts = function(_, opts) if vim.tbl_get(opts, "options", "opt", "showtabline") then opts.options.opt.showtabline = nil end for k, _ in pairs(opts.mappings.n) do if k:find("^<Leader>b") then opts.mappings.n[k] = false end end end, }, { "rebelot/heirline.nvim", opts = function(_, opts) opts.tabline = nil -- remove tabline end, },}