Customize cmp Completion
AstroNvim comes with blink.cmp for powering completion out of the box. This page documents common configuration options such as custom keybindings or adding more sources, for more detailed information on configuring the plugin be sure to check out the extensive blink.cmp Documentation.
Customize Keybindings
Some overrides require access to the plugin itself that you are overriding. This comes up a lot in things adding custom mappings to blink.cmp
. This can be achieved with the following plugin spec:
return { -- override blink.cmp plugin "Saghen/blink.cmp", opts = { keymap = { ["<Tab>"] = { "snippet_forward", "fallback" }, }, },}
Customize Source Priority
Similarly to customizing mappings, you can customize and configure your blink.cmp
providers as well:
return { -- override blink.cmp plugin "Saghen/blink.cmp", opts = { sources = { providers = { path = { score_offset = 3 }, lsp = { score_offset = 0 }, snippets = { score_offset = -1 }, buffer = { score_offset = -3 }, }, }, },}
Modify Existing Source Options
You can use this blink.cmp
override to also customize the options of the sources. You can find all of the available options for the providers in the blink.cmp Documentation:
return { -- override blink.cmp plugin "Saghen/blink.cmp", opts = { sources = { providers = { buffer = { -- each provider can be customized with their `opts` opts = { get_bufnrs = function() return vim.api.nvim_list_bufs() end, }, }, }, }, },}
Add More Sources
To add more sources than the default, you can add the new blink
source plugins (blink.cmp Community Sources) and configure the blink.cmp
options to enable the provider:
return { "moyiz/blink-emoji.nvim", lazy = true, specs = { { "Saghen/blink.cmp", optional = true, opts = { sources = { -- enable the provider by default (automatically extends when merging tables) default = { "emoji" }, providers = { -- Specific details depend on the blink source emoji = { name = "Emoji", module = "blink-emoji", min_keyword_length = 1, score_offset = -1, }, }, }, }, }, },}
Add nvim-cmp
Not all sources for nvim-cmp
are available as blink.cmp
providers, but blink.cmp
provides a compatibility layer to make it easy to add more sources. For more detail check out the blink.compat
Documentation. Here is an example for adding cmp-latex-symbols
return { "Saghen/blink.cmp", optional = true, dependencies = { -- add the legacy cmp source as a dependency for `blink.cmp` "kdheepak/cmp-latex-symbols", }, specs = { -- install the blink, nvim-cmp compatibility layer { "Saghen/blink.compat", version = "*", lazy = true, opts = {} }, }, opts = { sources = { -- enable the provider by default default = { "latex" }, -- configure the provider for your new source providers = { latex = { name = "latex_symbols", module = "blink.compat.source", score_offset = -1, }, }, }, },}