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Customize Autocommands

A large part of configuring Neovim is the use of autocommands and autocmd groups (augroups). AstroNvim makes it easy to configure autocommands through AstroCore and AstroLSP. AstroCore handles the general autocommands that are applied on startup where AstroLSP handles autocommands that are set when a language server attaches. This page goes over how to customize these mappings to fit your needs.

Add Custom Autocommands

These tables are a direct conversion to the vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({event}, {autocmd_opts}) and vim.api.nvim_create_augroup({name}, {augroup_opts}) Lua APIs. The key into the table is the {name} field for creating an augroup, and the value is a list-like table where each element is the {autocmds_opts} table with the {event} in as a value with the key "event". Also AstroLSP supports adding a cond key which can dictate when the autocmd should be created (this is described in detail in the AstroLSP plugin configuration documentation) Here is a simple plugin specification example of setting both core and LSP autocmds:

return {
---@type AstroCoreOpts
opts = {
autocmds = {
-- first key is the augroup name
terminal_settings = {
-- the value is a list of autocommands to create
-- event is added here as a string or a list-like table of events
event = "TermOpen",
-- the rest of the autocmd options (:h nvim_create_autocmd)
desc = "Disable line number/fold column/sign column for terminals",
callback = function()
vim.opt_local.number = false
vim.opt_local.relativenumber = false
vim.opt_local.foldcolumn = "0"
vim.opt_local.signcolumn = "no"
---@type AstroLSPOpts
opts = {
automcds = {
-- these autocommands will only be created in buffers where
-- a language servers attaches
lsp_codelens_refresh = {
-- condition to create/delete auto command group
-- can either be a string of a client capability
-- or a function of `fun(client, bufnr): boolean`
cond = "textDocument/codeLens",
-- events to trigger
event = { "InsertLeave", "BufEnter" },
-- the rest of the autocmd options (:h nvim_create_autocmd)
desc = "Refresh codelens (buffer)",
callback = function(args)
vim.lsp.codelens.refresh { bufnr = args.buf }

Removing Built-in Autocommands

AstroNvim comes with a number of autocommands for improving the out of the box experience. This includes things such as mapping q to buffer close in non-editable buffers, disabling features for large buffers, or flashing the highlight of text on copy. These can be easily disabled similar to how mappings are disabled, by setting the augroup name to false.

For example, if you want to disable the autocommand that highlights yanked text (using vim.highlight.on_yank) you can add the following plugin spec:

return {
---@type AstroCoreOpts
opts = {
autocmds = {
-- set a key to false to disable the autocommands from being created
highlightyank = false