Dashboard Customizations
AstroNvim comes with alpha-nvim by default for providing a dashboard/home screen. This page provides a few common customization options.
Customize Alpha Header
If you want to customize your header on the dashboard you can do this easily by overriding the alpha
options in your plugins:
return { "goolord/alpha-nvim", opts = function(_, opts) -- override the options using lazy.nvim opts.section.header.val = { -- change the header section value " My Custom ", " Dashboard Header", } end,}
Customize Buttons
In order to customize buttons presented on the dashboard, you can modify alpha
return { "goolord/alpha-nvim", opts = function(_, opts) -- override the options using lazy.nvim opts.section.buttons.val = { opts.button("h", " Say Hi", ':echo "Hello World!"<CR>'), } end,}
Open Alpha Automatically When No More Buffers
If you want to make the Alpha dashboard/home screen open automatically when you close the last buffer in your session you can add the following to your AstroCore mappings configuration:
return { "AstroNvim/astrocore", ---@type AstroCoreOpts opts = { mappings = { n = { ["<Leader>c"] = { function() local bufs = vim.fn.getbufinfo({ buflisted = true }) require("astrocore.buffer").close(0) if require("astrocore").is_available("alpha-nvim") and not bufs[2] then require("alpha").start() end end, desc = "Close buffer", }, }, }, },}