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Customize Autopairs

Add Custom Rules to nvim-autopairs

You can easily add rules and further configure nvim-autopairs in your user configuration by overriding the configuration function of the nvim-autopairs plugin. Here is a example minimal user/init.lua configuration file:

return {
plugins = {
{ -- override nvim-autopairs plugin
config = function(plugin, opts)
-- run default AstroNvim config
require "plugins.configs.nvim-autopairs"(plugin, opts)
-- require Rule function
local Rule = require "nvim-autopairs.rule"
local npairs = require "nvim-autopairs"
npairs.add_rules {
-- specify a list of rules to add
Rule(" ", " "):with_pair(function(options)
local pair = options.line:sub(options.col - 1, options.col)
return vim.tbl_contains({ "()", "[]", "{}" }, pair)
Rule("( ", " )")
:with_pair(function() return false end)
:with_move(function(options) return options.prev_char:match ".%)" ~= nil end)
:use_key ")",
Rule("{ ", " }")
:with_pair(function() return false end)
:with_move(function(options) return options.prev_char:match ".%}" ~= nil end)
:use_key "}",
Rule("[ ", " ]")
:with_pair(function() return false end)
:with_move(function(options) return options.prev_char:match ".%]" ~= nil end)
:use_key "]",