Splitting Up Configuration
AstroNvim can be fully configured using just the user/init.lua
file, but also
supports easily being configured with separate files. These files will be
automatically detected if the file location corresponds to the location in the
For example the mappings
override table (or
) can be placed in the file user/mappings.lua
which would be a lua
file that returns the override table
Example user/mappings.lua
return { n = { ["<leader>q"] = { "<cmd>q<cr>", desc = "Quit" }, },}
Another example would be adding a custom lsp.on_attach
function, this could
be in a file lsp/on_attach.lua
that returns a function(client, bufnr)...end
for example, if you want to run some code when a language server attaches:
return function(client, bufnr) -- run some code when a language server attachesend
Example File Tree
A heavily modified AstroNvim setup that leverages these separate files could have a file structure as such:
user/├── init.lua├── highlights/│ └── init.lua├── diagnostics.lua├── lsp/│ ├── on_attach.lua│ ├── setup_handlers.lua│ └── config/│ ├── texlab.lua│ └── yamlls.lua├── mappings.lua└── plugins/ └── init.lua