Override Formats
This applies to all init.lua
fields except those that expect specific
definitions such as lsp.on_attach
, lsp.server_registration
, and polish
Override Table
For most use cases, supplying a table is more than enough for supplying your own configuration changes to a default table. This is done by simply providing a new table and we merge the table with the default table where the user table takes precedence.
For example, the plugins
table can be used to add new plugins to be
installed along side the default plugins:
plugins = { { "andweeb/presence.nvim" }, -- each table entry is a plugin specification for lazy.nvim { "ray-x/lsp_signature.nvim", event = "BufRead", config = function() require("lsp_signature").setup() end, },},
For adding new key mappings and updating which-key menu, the mapping
table is used to extend existing configuration.
mappings = { -- first key is the mode -- desc setting is stored by vim.keymap.set() as a part of opts table in vim lua module n = { -- second key is the lefthand side of the map -- Tab Mappings ["<leader>Tn"] = { "<cmd>tabnew<cr>", desc = "New tab" }, ["<leader>Tc"] = { "<cmd>tabclose<cr>", desc = "Close tab" }, -- a table with the `name` key will register with which-key if it's available -- this an easy way to add menu titles in which-key ["<leader>T"] = { name = "Tab" }, -- quick save ["<C-s>"] = { ":w!<cr>", desc = "Save File" }, -- change description but the same command }, t = { -- setting a mapping to false will disable it ["<esc>"] = false, },},
Override Function
There may be cases where you want to have more control over the default tables
when overriding them. For these situations we also provide the ability to use a
that takes one parameter (the default table) and returns a new table
to be used in it’s place. This method is a lot more advanced and requires
knowledge of the Lua programming language.
For example with the options
table, you may want to use the function notation to unset a default option that we set:
options = function(local_vim) -- parameter is the default table to be overridden -- nil is the same as a key not being set, so you cannot use nil reliably -- when using the table override notation local_vim.opt.clipboard = nil -- set a value to nil to remove it from the table -- return modified table return local_vimend,