Default Mappings
General Mappings
Action | Mappings |
Leader key | Space |
Local Leader key | , |
Resize up | Ctrl + Up |
Resize Down | Ctrl + Down |
Resize Left | Ctrl + Left |
Resize Right | Ctrl + Right |
Up Window | Ctrl + k |
Down Window | Ctrl + j |
Left Window | Ctrl + h |
Right Window | Ctrl + l |
Force Write | Ctrl + s |
Force Quit | Ctrl + q |
New File | Leader + n |
Close Buffer | Leader + c |
Next Tab (real vim tab) | ]t |
Previous Tab (real vim tab) | [t |
Comment | Leader + / |
Horizontal Split | \ |
Vertical Split | | |
Action | Mappings |
Next Buffer | ]b |
Previous Buffer | [b |
Move Buffer Right | >b |
Move Buffer Left | <b |
Navigate to buffer tab with interactive picker | Leader + bb |
Close all buffers except the current | Leader + bc |
Close all buffers | Leader + bC |
Delete a buffer tab with interactive picker | Leader + bd |
Close all buffers to the left of the current | Leader + bl |
Go to the previous buffer | Leader + bp |
Close all buffers to the right of the current | Leader + br |
Sort buffers by extension | Leader + bse |
Sort buffers by buffer number | Leader + bsi |
Sort buffers by last modification | Leader + bsm |
Sort buffers by full path | Leader + bsp |
Sort buffers by relative path | Leader + bsr |
Open a buffer tab in a new horizontal split with interactive picker | Leader + b\ |
Open a buffer tab in a new vertical split with interactive picker | Leader + b| |
Better Escape
Action | Mappings |
Escape key | jj , jk |
Action | Mappings |
Neotree toggle | Leader + e |
Neotree focus | Leader + o |
Dashboard Mappings
Action | Mappings |
Dashboard (Home) | Leader + h |
Session Manager Mappings
Action | Mappings |
Save Session | Leader + Ss |
Last Session | Leader + Sl |
Delete Session | Leader + Sd |
Search Sessions | Leader + Sf |
Load Current Directory Session | Leader + S. |
Package Management Mappings
Action | Mappings |
AstroNvim Packages Update | Leader + pa |
AstroNvim Updater | Leader + pA |
AstroNvim Changelog | Leader + pl |
AstroNvim Version | Leader + pv |
Mason Installer | Leader + pm |
Mason Updater | Leader + pM |
Plugins Install | Leader + pi |
Plugins Status | Leader + ps |
Plugins Sync | Leader + pS |
Plugins Check for Updates | Leader + pu |
Plugins Update | Leader + pU |
LSP Mappings
Action | Mappings |
LSP Info | Leader + li |
Null-ls Info | Leader + lI |
Hover Document | K |
Format Document | Leader + lf |
Symbols Outline | Leader + lS |
Line Diagnostics | gl , Leader + ld |
All Diagnostics | Leader + lD |
Code Actions | Leader + la |
Signature Help | Leader + lh |
Rename | Leader + lr |
Document Symbols | Leader + ls |
Workspace Symbols | Leader + lG |
Diagnostic Next | ]d |
Diagnostics Previous | [d |
Declaration | gD |
Type Definition | gy |
Definition | gd |
Implementation | gI |
References | gr , Leader + lR |
Debugger Mappings
Action | Mappings |
Start/Continue Debugger | Leader + dc or <F5> |
Pause Debugger | Leader + dp or <F6> |
Restart Debugger | Leader + dr or <C-F5> |
Run Debugger to Cursor | Leader + ds |
Close Debugger Session | Leader + dq |
Terminate Debugger | Leader + dQ or <S-F5> |
Toggle Breakpoint | Leader + db or <F9> |
Conditional Breakpoint | Leader + dC or <S-F9> |
Clear Breakpoints | Leader + dB |
Step Over | Leader + do or <F10> |
Step Into | Leader + di or <F11> |
Step Out | Leader + dO or <S-F11> |
Evaluate Expression | Leader + dE |
Toggle REPL | Leader + dR |
Toggle Debugger UI | Leader + du |
Debugger Hover | Leader + dh |
Telescope Mappings
Action | Mappings |
Marks | Leader + f' |
Buffers | Leader + fb |
Word at cursor | Leader + fc |
Commands | Leader + fC |
Find files | Leader + ff |
Find files (include hidden files) | Leader + fF |
Help Tags | Leader + fh |
Keymaps | Leader + fk |
Man Pages | Leader + fm |
Notifications | Leader + fn |
Old Files | Leader + fo |
Registers | Leader + fr |
Colorschemes | Leader + ft |
Live Grep | Leader + fw |
Live Grep (include hidden files) | Leader + fW |
Git Branches | Leader + gb |
Git Commits (repository) | Leader + gc |
Git Commits (current file) | Leader + gC |
Git Status | Leader + gt |
LSP Symbols | Leader + ls |
LSP Workspace Symbols | Leader + lG |
Terminal Mappings
Action | Mappings |
Open Floating Terminal | Leader + tf or <F7> |
Open Horizontal Terminal | Leader + th |
Open Vertical Terminal | Leader + tv |
Open Toggle Lazygit | Leader + tl |
Open Toggle node | Leader + tn |
Open Toggle Python | Leader + tp |
Open Toggle btm | Leader + tt |